Support St. Tom's

Join us online for our seventh annual Day of Giving on March 8th, 2023! Help us celebrate all the wonderful ministries at St. Tom’s and support the several ways this community is strengthening spiritual development among Boiler Catholics and residents of the Lafayette area.

Your contributions, prayers, and testimonies allow us to continue to spread the mission of our Catholic faith. We are blessed by this community’s giving of self!


As a member of our beloved St. Tom's community, we hope you'll share how you give by downloading this DoG sign and posting your photo with the hashtag #stagivinghearts
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What St. Tom's Means to You...

We'd love to hear from you! Click here to share your story.

Your Impact

50+ Ministries led by and participated in by more than 1,000 resident families and 3,000 Boiler Catholics under four pillars.


Meet International Students, Catholic Young Adults, Called & Gifted, BC Racing, Hispanic Catholics, BC Socials, BC Sports, Boiler Catholic Women, Boiler Catholic Men, Racial Equality & Justice, Sunday Night Dinner


Boiler Awakening 25, Chant Group, Women & Men’s Discernment Groups, Exalt Praise & Worship with Adoration, Student-Led Choirs, Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, Advent/Lent Missions, Adult Faith Formation, Bible Studies, Youth Faith Formation


Thomas Aquinas Apologetics Club, Theology on Tap, Liturgical Ministries, Sycamore – Addressing Life’s Big Questions, Fall & Spring Discipleship Training, Lenten Book Study, Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, Boiler Catholic Seminars


Family Promise, Justice with Peace Team, LifeGuides Catechists, Mentoring At-Risk Kids (MARK), Never Alone Ministry to the Elderly (NAME), Mission Trips, Pastorate Council, Facilities Committee, BC Hands & Feet of Christ, Haiti Committee, Health Cabinet, BC St. Dymphna Mental Health Group, Foundation for Haitians

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Thank you all so much for your support yesterday on our annual Day of Giving! With your support, we raised $33,958.55!

We are so grateful for your prayers, financial support, and your sharing of our ministry with those you love. We are able to joyfully welcome all who wish to meet life’s challenges through lived faith in Jesus Christ because of you.

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TIME IS RUNNING OUT! There are only 2 more hours to donate toward St. Tom's Day of Giving! We ask you to prayerfully consider how you can help make a difference for our parish community. Any donation is greatly appreciated. God bless all of you for all you do for our parish!

Check out the link in our bio to make a gift today!

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"I had the chance to go on the spring break mission trip to Pensacola, FL, where we worked hard building homes for Habitat for Humanity and dove deeper into our calling in life. The bonds I made there fortified my faith and sense of belonging in the Church...The community and opportunities at St. Tom's took my Purdue graduate experience to the next level. I grew closer in faith, learned more about myself, and had a lot of fun along the way." - Joey Pinakidis, Boiler Catholic Alum

Mission trips provide students and resident parishioners with an opportunity to share their faith throughout the world, while also developing strong relationships with fellow parishioners. Check out the link in our bio to support our ministry!

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It's officially Day of Giving 2023! Our theme this year is Timeless Traditions.

Over the years, St. Tom’s has been a home for many students at Purdue University and residents of the Greater Lafayette community to come and receive Christ into their hearts. The legacy that Boiler Catholics, parishioners, and friends of St. Tom’s have left throughout history grows the young Church, forming the Catholic leaders of today and tomorrow.

Please join us today in celebrating all St. Tom’s does for students and resident parishioners and help grow our mission! Check out the link in our bio to make a gift on this special day!

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There are only five days remaining until Day of Giving 2023!

Why should you support St. Tom's on #stadayofgiving2023 ?

Because we are spreading the Gospel throughout Purdue's campus and the Greater Lafayette community! Next Wednesday, be sure to follow along on our social media platforms and website and make a contribution that will help continue to build our strong community.

We are thankful for each of you and the ways you help grow this parish through your gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Please pray for us as we enter this annual Day of Giving. God bless you!

Check out the link in our bio to make a financial gift toward our campus ministry!

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With your help yesterday on Day of Giving 2022, we raised $33,180.88! Thank you all so much for your kind stewardship and support of St. Tom's. We would not be able to further our Catholic mission without you. God bless you all!
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Thank you, thank you, thank you! From the bottom of our hearts, we are so grateful for all the ways this community came together to support our ministries and faith here at St. Tom’s. Donations of your time, talent, and treasure on this day truly make an impact on our parish, our campus ministry programs, and our parishioners. We are so blessed in many ways, and it’s all thanks to you.
We pray that through the money raised today, we can continue to create a positive impact on our students, resident parishioners, and all lives we touch around the world.
Make sure to follow along to hear our final total amount raised tomorrow!
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Blockbuster Weekend takes place every fall toward the beginning of the school year. It provides a fun event for students and residents to gather with Mass on the Grass and other fun activities to meet other parishioners. A ministry fair also takes place, allowing students to learn about the many programs at St. Tom’s and start building relationships with other Boiler Catholics. It’s always a super fun event and a great community building opportunity. Donations for Blockbuster Weekend help us provide the activities, organize the ministry fair, and provide ice cream!
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The Class Gift Program allows seniors and recent graduates to make a pledge to donate back toward St. Tom’s. For only $5 a week over a course of five years, students can add giving to their budget, while also creating a tremendous impact for St. Tom’s. Seniors and alumni – consider making a pledge today! Your donations will help future Boiler Catholics experience the love and community St. Tom’s offers.
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One of the most important components of our faith is celebrating Mass. St. Tom’s is able to offer five Masses a weekend, allowing more people to come to church and experience what it feels like to be part of this amazing community.
St. Tom’s also offers two daily Masses a day, meaning students and residents can add Mass to their daily schedules.
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Our religious education program here at St. Tom’s allows local children and teens in the Greater Lafayette community to experience Jesus and learn all about our faith. With Sacramental preparation and fun activities, young Catholics learn so much and form friendships. Young adults and Purdue students serve as Lifeguides, teaching several religious education classes and guiding our youth in the faith.
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Rain or shine, St. Tom’s is open 24/7 for anyone to come through our doors and spend time with the Lord. Students often come in between classes or in the evenings to study in one of the many classrooms we have in the church. Any donation can help us keep our doors open each and every day!
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Matching Hour!
All donations up to $5,000 will be matched from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.! Prayerfully consider how you can make a generous impact on our parish community!
Every Sunday during the academic year, different ministries cook Sunday Night Dinner for 100-120 students. This provides a home-cooked meal for students, while also allowing them to gather to form community and faith-filled relationships. Consider donating $3 to feed one student, or $300 to sponsor a whole dinner through the link in our bio!
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Catholic Young Adults is an organization for Catholics in their 20s-30s that are living in the Greater Lafayette area. Together, they attend various socials, Masses, and form lasting friendships. Theology on Tap is an example of events that take place. Adults (21+) meet at Harry’s Chocolate Shop for drinks and fellowship. Consider sponsoring a speaker for Theology on Tap by donating $100!
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Ignite provides a small group setting for students to gather and break open the Word together. Groups meet all over campus to sit and discuss the Gospel reading for the upcoming Sunday’s Mass. Not only does this provide growth for participants in the Scriptures, but it also serves as a community building experience. Consider donating $5 to contribute a Bible!
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ESTEEM is an intense program of leadership formation for senior students. It provides an opportunity for seniors to craft leadership skills by learning from resident parishioners who serve as mentors. Consider donating $260 through the link in our bio to pay the cost of curriculum, books, and Capstone housing for one student!
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Many students and residents dedicate their time and talents to support our many pastorate teams and councils here at St. Tom’s. These teams and councils provide guidance, advice, and assistance in making decisions for our parish to develop hospitality, serve as a witness of Christ to others, and to give our parishioners opportunities to encounter Christ. We are so thankful for the many ways our parishioners give back to this wonderful community.
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Matching Hour!
From 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. all donations will be matched up to $1,000! Thank you for your continued support!

Day of Giving is halfway over, but there’s still time to help! During the next 12 hours, people around the world will continue to come together to show their support for St. Tom’s.
Thanks to supporters like you, we believe it’s possible to further develop our strong Catholic presence at Purdue University. We’re helping develop the faith and spiritual lives of thousands of Purdue students, as well as many families and individuals in our community. Will you help us?

Every piece helps, and we are so thankful for your generosity and continued support of the many St. Tom’s ministries and programs. God bless you!
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Spring Training is providing an opportunity for both resident and student parishioners to explore their faith more so they can go out into the world and evangelize. Spring Training pushes participants to own their faith, step out into discipleship, and reach more hearts in the community. With your support and prayer, we can create amazing programs like this to help foster spiritual and faith development for all parishioners. Consider donating through the link in our bio to create more programs like this!
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Several students lead the various ministry groups here at St. Tom’s. Without their dedication to service and their faith, it would be nearly impossible to have as many programs that we do.
These students dedicate time, effort, and their talents (along with being busy college students) to the various programs here. Through their leadership, other college students discover new passions and friendships within the walls of our church, while further developing their faith.
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What is St. Tom’s Day of Giving?
St. Tom’s Day of Giving is an annual single-day online and in the Church fundraising event for St. Thomas Aquinas. In this event, for 24 hours, students, alumni, staff, parents, and friends come together to support the many opportunities at St. Tom’s.
Are Day of Giving contributions tax-deductible?
Yes, your gift is tax-deductible. You will receive a receipt and an end-of-year tax letter from Faith Direct, our online giving website.
I missed the Day of Giving. Is it too late to make a gift?

Even if you miss St. Tom’s Day of Giving, you can still make a gift to the Church by clicking the “Donate Now” button at the top and following the directions provided on that page. You can also mail donations marked with “Day of Giving.” Thank you for your support!

St. Thomas Aquinas
535 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47906